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POSTTIME:2024-12-29     作者:开云网页版     点击量:350

本文摘要:Researchers from the Third Military Medical University in China said they have developed a cheap, easy test to determine a patients blood type in a matter of seconds with nearly perfect accuracy.我国第三军医大学的研究人员日前回应,已研制出一种检验病人血型的低成本简陋测试,准确率相似百分之百,耗时数秒。

Researchers from the Third Military Medical University in China said they have developed a cheap, easy test to determine a patients blood type in a matter of seconds with nearly perfect accuracy.我国第三军医大学的研究人员日前回应,已研制出一种检验病人血型的低成本简陋测试,准确率相似百分之百,耗时数秒。The new assay is able to pinpoint whether a person is type A, B or O in just 30 seconds, and determine the blood type in full detail in about two minutes.这项新的测试需要在意味着30秒内就精确检验某人的血型是A、B还是O,并在大约两分钟内检验血型的所有详细情况。Results on the new device were published in Science Translational Medicine.《科学转化成医学》杂志刊出了这一血型检验新方法的研究结果。

To create the test, the researchers took advantage of chemical reactions between blood serum proteins and a widely-available dye called bromocreosol green.为了构建这项测试,研究人员利用了血浆蛋白和一种用于普遍的染料溴甲酚绿之间的化学反应。Each test paper strip was also equipped with antibodies that recognized different blood type markers, such as A or B antigens, which can be found on the surface of red blood cells.每张试纸也都配有有可以辨识给定有所不同血型的抗体,例如他们可以在血红细胞的表面找到A型或者B型血的抗原。When a drop of blood was applied, the results appeared as visual color changes in the observation window of the paper strip: teal if a blood group antigen was present in a sample and brown if not.当血滴在测试条上面,不会有肉眼可以仔细观察到的颜色变化,这些颜色变化不会在测试纸的观察窗变化范围之内,若递交样本是血型给定的抗原,为蓝绿色,如果没为棕色。

The method was tested on 3,550 samples of human blood with results of more than 99.9% accuracy, and the only inconsistencies occurred in trials with highly uncommon blood types.研究人员已用该方法对3550份人类血样展开测试,结果准确度超强99.9%,在试验中唯一告终的案例是由于血型少见。



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